Used when you want to say "that's as it should be" from a fact or condition.
V(普通形)+ はずだ
いadjい+ はずだ
なadjな + はずだ/ なadjである + はずだ
Nの+はずだ/ Nである + はずだ
If you leave Tokyo at 2:00, you should arrive in Osaka at 3:00.
This restaurant must be good because there is always a line of people waiting in line.
He has lived in Japan for 20 years and his wife is Japanese, so his Japanese should be excellent.
He does not wear a ring. Every day after work he has a drink and then goes home. He should be single.
I took the medicine and the fever should go down.
Q, 彼は日本語が話せますか。
Does he speak Japanese?
A, 先月日本に来たので、日本語が話せないはずです。
He came to Japan last month, so he must not be able to speak Japanese.
Q, 彼は日本料理が好きですか。
Does he like Japanese food?
A, 食べているのを見たことがあるので、日本料理が好きなはずです。
He must like Japanese food because I have seen him eating it.
Q, 荷物はいつ着きますか。
When will my luggage arrive?
A, 昨日送ったので、今日着くはずです。
I sent it yesterday and it should arrive today.
Q, 週末は暇ですか。
Are you free on weekends?
A, 予定が書いてないので、暇なはずです。
I don't have a written schedule, so I should be free.
Q, 今日は寒いですか。
Is it cold today?
A, 雪が降っているので、寒いはずです。
It is snowing, so it must be cold.
Q, この時計は高いですか。
Is this watch expensive?
This watch is in a case and should be expensive.
Q, 鈴木君は家にいますか。
Is Suzuki-kun at home?
I'm sure he's at home, since he said he wasn't going out anywhere.
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