JLPT N4 文法解説 Vてあります




Indicates the state of being left with the results of an action that someone has done with a purpose.



 The door is open.

 The door has been opened by someone for some purpose.

 The window is closed.

 The window is closed by someone for some purpose.

●カーテンをかけました。→ カーテンがかけてあります
 I hung the curtains. → The curtains have been hung (by someone for some purpose).

●花を飾りました。→ 花が飾ってあります
 I decorated with flowers. → It is decorated with flowers (by someone for some purpose).

●本を並べました。→ 本が並べてあります
 I've lined up the books.  → The books are lined up (by someone for some purpose).

●写真を置きました。→ 写真が置いてあります
 I've placed a photo. → There is a photo of it (by someone for some purpose).

●カレンダーをはりました。→ カレンダーがはってあります
 I put up the calendar. → There is a calendar on the wall (by someone for some purpose).

●絵をかけました。→ 絵がかけてあります
 I hung a picture. → There is a picture hanging on the wall (by someone for some purpose).

 The flowers are on display by someone for some purpose.

 There is a picture of it by someone for some purpose.

 The chairs are lined up by someone for some purpose.

 The room is tidy by someone for some purpose.

 There is a calendar hanging on the wall by someone for some purpose.

 My money is in storage by someone for some purpose.

 There is a picture hanging on the wall by someone for some purpose.

 It has Roman letters written on it by someone for some purpose.


