JLPT N4 文法解説 「~のに(予想外)」




In "A but for B," A stands for fact and B for a different result than what would be expected.

It often expresses the speaker's unexpected feelings, doubts, dissatisfaction, blame, or disappointment.

V(普通形)+ のに
いadj(普通形)+ のに
なadjな + のに
N な+ のに 


The speaker's will, wish, request, or command is not used at the end of a sentence.



 Even though I had breakfast, I was already hungry.

 I am sleepy even though I slept a lot.

 Even though I was in an accident, I was not injured.

 Even though I bought it yesterday, it's already broken.

 Even though I studied it yesterday, I've already forgotten about it.

 The test was good even though I didn't study.

 Even though I had a lot of homework to do, I played games.

 I often go to restaurants even though I have no money.


 Even though my room is small, the rent is very expensive.

 He is always in good spirits even though he is very busy.

 Even though the salary is low, it's hard work.

 I have to go to work even though I am not feeling well.


 Even though it's easy, I don't understand.

 This house is inconvenient even though the rent is very expensive.

 We have to do it even though it is impossible.


 Even though I have a cold, I am fine.

 Even though I have a test tomorrow, I won't study at all.

 It is very crowded even though it is not Sunday.

 Even though it was raining, I forgot my umbrella.


