●備考: 日本語は主語は「行為をする人」ではなく「私」または「私と心理的に近い人」になることが多い。 In Japanese, the subject is often "I" or "someone who is psychologically close to me" instead of "the person doing the action.
●学生は先生に褒められます。 Students are praised by their teachers.
●子供はお父さんに叱られます。 The child is scolded by the father.
●先生は学生に呼ばれます。 The teacher is called by the student.
●私は友達に押されます。 I am pushed by a friend.
●私は彼に映画に誘われます。 I am invited to a movie by him.
●子どもはお母さんに褒められます。 The child is praised by the mother.
●佐藤さんは部長に叱られます。 Ms. Sato is scolded by the director.