It is used to say specifically at what point in an action.
V-rutokoro...indicates just before a certain action begins.
V-teiru tokoro...indicates that an action is in the process of being performed right now.
V tatokoro...indicates immediately after a certain action has been completed.
V(て形)いる + ところだ。
V(た形)+ ところだ。
*後の文にどんな動詞が来るかによって「ところ」の後ろにつく助詞が「ところで・ ところに. ところへ. ところを」のように変化する。
The particle that follows "tokoro" changes like "tokorode, tokoroni., tokoroe, tokorowo" depending on what kind of verb comes in the sentence that follows.
We are about to eat a meal.
We are eating a meal right now.
I just ate a meal right now.
I am about to take a shower now.
I am taking a shower right now.
I just took a shower now.
I am about to prepare for my trip.
I am just now preparing for my trip.
I just prepared for my trip.
I am about to clean up my room.
I am in the process of cleaning up my room.
I just now cleaned up my room.
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